Coming up this week

Morning Prayer on line

Monday to Friday at 7:30 and Saturday at 8:30

Here is the link for Morning Prayer:

Meeting ID: 843 1525 8948

Passcode: 829662


Window on Wednesday

W.O.W will be taking a break from meeting over the summer. We will reconvene as a group in September and we will look forward to starting a new book together. For more information, please contact Diantha Terry and/or Kate Shepherd.


Tuesday Prayer Group on 23 July

09.15-10.30, chez J&P Tracey, 1267 Coinsins.

Come at 09.15 for a coffee before we start at 09.30 for an hour, following the Northumbria Community Morning Prayer and inserting our prayer concerns and those for whom we have been asked to pray in confidence.

You are most welcome to join us regularly or occasionally.

Please contact Peta for more details

Please do feel free to send prayer concerns to Peta Tracey, if you would like them shared in confidence with the group.


Sunday Lunch Group – 28 July

Auberge de la Réunion, Coinsins – (NB Paléo is on, so traffic will be heavier than usual)

Would you like to join us at our Auberge in Coinsins for lunch at 12.00 on the fourth Sunday of each month? We are offered a choice of menus at a reduced price. There are usually around 15 of us and it’s a great opportunity for a relaxed chat over lunch. Whether you just come once, or on a regular basis, you are most welcome!

Please let us know by Fri. 26th so we can book the table!

Next dates for our Sunday lunches are Sun. 28 July – Sun. 25 Aug. – Sun. 22 Sept. – Sun. 27 Oct. – Sun. 24 Nov.


Book the dates !

Patriotic ecumenical worship in Nyon : 1 August at 10:15 –  Place des Marroniers. Everyone welcome.

Friday 23 August : temple de Gingins from 17.00 to 21.00 an evening of short musical performances with a light supper in between, to raise funds for the upkeep of the beautiful grand piano.

Saturday 28 September : Church Garden Party from 14.30 to 16.30 in the gardens at the side of the church of Divonne


Anne de Tréverret, Chaplain’s Admin Assistant

If you’d like to be in touch with Anne – here is her email address and phone number +41 79 635 5657.

Anne is available for any inquiries at these times :

Tuesday morning  between 9 and 11

Thursday morning between 9 and 11