Over the summer we are continuing each day with online Morning Prayer. If you see an opportunity – feel free to join us – as a one off or when you feel able to.
Tuesday 31st August
09.30-10.30 The Prayer Group will be meeting chez John and Peta. Requests for prayer (in confidence) can be sent to Peta Tracey
Tuesday 7th September
09.30-11.00 Our Bible Study group will be meeting on Zoom.For more information please contact Trevor Davies.
Zoom link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/971117768?pwd=L3RjajViZEtTSUtFWGFrc0s5S29pdz09
Meeting ID: 971 117 768
Passcode: 387090
Friday 10th September
09.30-11.00 Coffee Cake and Catch-up in person at the parish rooms in Gingins
Mondays to Saturdays
07.30-8.00 Morning Prayer by zoom – ALL are welcome – either to dip in and out or attend regularly.
08.30-9.00 on Saturdays!
Zoom invitation https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85122087785
Please contact Louise Burrows if you are having technical difficulties